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chanson : Listen to the Mockingbird

mis à jour le 13/06/2016


Une chanson interprétée par Claude Vollaire, libre de droits pour utilisation en classe.

mots clés : chanson, vollaire, musique, mockingbird

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Royalty free photo for non commercial use is what Theodore Raph wrote about this song in « The American Song Treasury 100 Favorites » , Dover Publications, Inc. New York, 1964:
"Within months this song hit all parts of our nation and people everywhere went wild over it, especially in the South where the mocking bird is a common sight. For years afterwards Southern mothers named their baby girls Hally (or Hallie) after this song. President Abraham Lincoln said of this song "It is as sincere as the laughter of a little girl at play" and King Edward VII of England remarked "I whistled 'Listen to the Mocking Bird' whenI was a little boy".


I'm dreaming now of sweet Hallie, my sweet Hallie, my sweet Hallie
I'm dreaming now of my Hallie
For the thought of her is one that never dies.
She's sleeping here in the valley, in the valley, in the valley,
She's sleeping here in the valley
And the mocking bird is singing where she lies

Listen to the mocking bird, listen to the mocking bird,
The mocking bird still singing o'er her grave.
Listen to the mocking bird, listen to the mocking bird
Still singing where the weeping willows wave.


Ah well I yet can remember, I remember, I remember,
Ah well I yet can remember
When we gathered in the cotton side by side.
'Twas in the mild mid-September, in September, in September,
Twas in the mild mid-September
And the mocking bird was singing far and wide.



When charms of spring are awaken, are awaken, are awaken,
When charms of spring are awaken,
And the mocking bird is singing on the bough.
I feel like one so forsaken, so forsaken, so forsaken,
I feel like one so forsaken
Since my Hallie is no longer with me now.



information(s) pédagogique(s)

niveau : tous niveaux

type pédagogique : activité de découverte, démarche pédagogique, travaux pratiques

public visé : enseignant, élève

contexte d'usage : classe

référence aux programmes :

fichier joint

information(s) technique(s) : fichier son Ce fichier est disponible au téléchargement au format mp3.

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anglais - Rectorat de l'Académie de Nantes